There are Cosmetic Periodontal procedures that can help you get the smile you desire. These are particularly beneficial for patients who have:
A gummy smile that makes the teeth look short and not in proportion with the patient’s face.
An irregular gum line that detract from an attractive smile.
An Esthetic Crown Lengthening procedure will serve to lengthen the teeth by removing excess gum tissue to reshape the outline of the gums, expose the natural tooth length, and provide a fuller, more attractive smile. This will result in a more natural and symmetrical smile.
The same procedure is also an excellent way to create a more aesthetic gumline for dental crowns and other restorative procedures. Even with new crowns, the results can never be satisfactory unless the gum has a natural contour. This may be as simple as changing a single tooth or may involve all the upper front teeth. Regardless of the beauty of the crowns or veneers, unless the gum line is contoured in a pleasing manner, the esthetic results will be poor. Scalloping the soft and hard tissues to a pleasing form is generally very easy for the patient, with minimal post-operative discomfort. The crowns are placed by the dentist, after 8-10 weeks, to ensure the gums have healed to their final level. If the patient feels the teeth look too long during the healing phase, temporary crowns can be made.
If you have any questions about the benefits of Esthetic Crown Lengthening procedures, please contact us.